Stories from Cold War Hotspots (Langeland)- Mikkel Havndrup
Interview with visitor at the The Cold War Museum Langelandsfort in Langeland within the Cold War project 'Stories from Cold War Hotspots'.
Stories from Cold War Hotspots is an int...
Interview with visitor at the The Cold War Museum Langelandsfort in Langeland within the Cold War project 'Stories from Cold War Hotspots'.
Stories from Cold War Hotspots is an international research project on the memory of the Cold War in Norway, Estonia, Denmark, Germany and Scottland. The participants are museum visitors in the cities of Bodø, Tartu, Langeland, Berlin and East Fortune, who has shared their reflections, stories and memories on what the Cold War was, and what is perhaps still is today. All interviews were conducted in an interview/confession booth, without an interviewer present. All footage uploaded is raw and unedited material. Subtitles are translated either by translation software or by professional translators.
About the object
Mikkel start by stating that what he finds interesting is the impending war between the superpowers – Russia and the US, with China also being on the rise. The talks a bit about the internal political struggles in the current US, and he is afraid the US won’t remain a superpower for much longer. He then states that what is the a...
Mikkel start by stating that what he finds interesting is the impending war between the superpowers – Russia and the US, with China also being on the rise. The talks a bit about the internal political struggles in the current US, and he is afraid the US won’t remain a superpower for much longer. He then states that what is the alternative? Russia has shown itself to not be a superpower, as a superpower would have easily won in Ukraine already.
He reflects on China as an alternative, but states that China’s economy is on the verge of crashing because of the housing market and population/demographic struggles. He further reflects on the fact that no powers today may hold claim to the title, and then quotes the fact that Great Powers generally last for 400 years, and that the US is coming up on that mark soon.
Subject Interview with visitor at the The Cold War Museum Langelandsfort in Langeland within the Cold War project 'Stories from Cold War Hotspots'.
Stories from Cold War Hotspots is an international research project on the memory of the Cold War in Norway, Estonia, Denmark, Germany and Scottland. The participants are museum visitors in the cities of Bodø, Tartu, Langeland, Berlin and East Fortune, who has shared their reflections, stories and memories on what the Cold War was, and what is perhaps still is today. All interviews were conducted in an interview/confession booth, without an interviewer present. All footage uploaded is raw and unedited material. Subtitles are translated either by translation software or by professional translators.
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