Stories from Cold War Hotspots (Bodø) - Elisabetta Casarotto
Interview with visitor at the Norwegian Aviation Museum in Bodø within the Cold War project 'Stories from Cold War Hotspots'.
Stories from Cold War Hotspots is an international res...
Interview with visitor at the Norwegian Aviation Museum in Bodø within the Cold War project 'Stories from Cold War Hotspots'.
Stories from Cold War Hotspots is an international research project on the memory of the Cold War in Norway, Estonia, Denmark, Germany and Scottland. The participants are museum visitors in the cities of Bodø, Tartu, Langeland, Berlin and East Fortune, who has shared their reflections, stories and memories on what the Cold War was, and what is perhaps still is today. All interviews were conducted in an interview/confession booth, without an interviewer present. All footage uploaded is raw and unedited material. Subtitles are translated either by translation software or by professional translators.
About the object
Elisabetta is from Italy and learned about the Cold War when she was in school. She believes it’s a subject that is not treated enough. She goes on to talk about the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia from 2022. She believes that the current level of violence that surrounds us on a general basis has led to a desensitiza...
Elisabetta is from Italy and learned about the Cold War when she was in school. She believes it’s a subject that is not treated enough. She goes on to talk about the current conflict between Ukraine and Russia from 2022. She believes that the current level of violence that surrounds us on a general basis has led to a desensitization. She reflects on the need to discuss this more in general, as it is not something that has a grip on you until you feel it. She does not believe the Cold War has impacted her life, but it did impact the life of her grandpa, who lived in the immediate aftermath of World War 2. She believes his life would have been different, and he would have had more opportunities in a different life.
She goes on to talk about a universal need we have to reflect upon the past, as everything that happens in the past is bound to repeat itself in the future. Thus, it’s important for us to educate ourselves so we can be better, both for our own present, but also for future generations.
Subject Interview with visitor at the Norwegian Aviation Museum in Bodø within the Cold War project 'Stories from Cold War Hotspots'.
Stories from Cold War Hotspots is an international research project on the memory of the Cold War in Norway, Estonia, Denmark, Germany and Scottland. The participants are museum visitors in the cities of Bodø, Tartu, Langeland, Berlin and East Fortune, who has shared their reflections, stories and memories on what the Cold War was, and what is perhaps still is today. All interviews were conducted in an interview/confession booth, without an interviewer present. All footage uploaded is raw and unedited material. Subtitles are translated either by translation software or by professional translators.
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