Vegen til friheit

Dette er ei forteljing om Moayad sin "veg til friheit".

English version of the text in the film:
He made it... He managed to escape from Syria to Norway.
The night he arrived, all his papers and ID were taken, and he was told to find a bus shelter to sleep in.
Along with his papers and ID, he lost the opportunity to book into a hotel...
After a lot of struggle and with no permanent place to live, he was "placed"... at Vassenden reception center in Jølster.
The choice fell on Norway because he had heard that the application process would go fast here…
He was told that his application would be processed within 3 months, this was in September 2014.
14 months later he is still waiting… With innumerable unanswered questions, he is greeted by a wall...

*There was a knock on the door*. In came a man with brochures in hand…
He told about a social offer every Tuesday; "Førde International Choir".
"Please, come join the choir", said the man. And so he did...
The choir became a highlight, something to look forward to.
Here they are including and accommodating, it is a meeting place for everyone.

Fellesskap - Community
Tilhørigheit - Affiliation
Sosialt - Social
Tryggleik - Safe
Glede - Joy 

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