Fotografering: 1960 - 1970
- Produsent (K)Widerøe Flyfotosikker
- Adresse,Oslo Mustads vei 1
- DigitaltMuseumSearch in «Widerøe Flyfoto»
Aksesjon: 1975
License information
- License Contact owner for more information
- Copies 1 Negativ, Farge
- Identifier NM.F.008996-00402
- Part of collection Nordlandsmuseet
- Owner of collection Nordlandsmuseet
- Institution Nordlandsmuseet
- Date published February 12, 2015
- Date updated December 13, 2024
- DIMU-CODE 021015793670
- UUID c9fe76ee-98d1-4e67-9208-a4102f5cf9e1
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