- aks. 105/2000
Annet: 1940 - 1950
Aksesjon: 2000
- ArkivreferanseInternarkiv HF 01.01.1996-31.12.2004. 04.11, Gaver Gavebrev fra Kveiland
License information
- License Contact owner for more information
- Identifier HF-12596
- Part of collection HF - Kulturhistorisk samling
- Owner of collection Randsfjordmuseet/ Hadeland Folkemuseum
- Institution Hadeland Folkemuseum
- Date published May 20, 2014
- Date updated September 15, 2023
- DIMU-CODE 011024065432
- UUID cf54ec9d-c4c0-4edd-b34c-db4c6fffa5de
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