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Produksjon: 1901 (ca)
- ProdusentBoosey & Co
- Production placeStorbritannia Londonsikker
- ArkivreferanseOpplysningsarkiv RMT 2006/9 Reklamematerial C.M. Iversen
- ArkivreferanseAksesjonskatalog Ringve 1964-.
License information
- License Contact owner for more information
- IdentifierRMT 2006/25
- Part of collectionRingve_museumsgjenstander
- Owner of collectionRingve musikkmuseum
- InstitutionRingve Musikkmuseum
- Date publishedMarch 18, 2014
- Date updatedDecember 15, 2021
- DIMU-CODE011022841918
- UUIDb2e5d74a-16aa-4a01-a307-b0e8155cdb84
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